Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gilrs only: how many of you have their clits out of the lips?

is it normal? and what causes it?Gilrs only: how many of you have their clits out of the lips?
I don't, but I think it's normal. I think you're just born like that. Everyone's looks different.
not me im an inny, you must be an outie!
Nothing wrong with that!
@_@ im an outie..
damn..i don't know what causes it
you're not born with it, or at least i wasn't..but it's normal=)
You may just have a big Clit!! Nothing wrong with it & some guys really like it!
I am a inny.
But you being a outy is just fine. You have a larger clitoris, just like some women have large breast.
Nothing causes it.
Or are you saying it is a inny then turns to a outy. and that is normal to. Just like a man, you become erect.
i don't, just right. i think it's normal and you are born with it.
not me never heard of it
as a guy I gotta say that outties are pretty cool, or atleast innies that turn into outties when you get excited. innies can be hard to find sometimes, and girls with outties are more likely to orgasm from intercourse, especially doggystyle where the balls slap up against it.

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