Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fertile or infertile?

Way back when i was around 15-16 years old i experienced being in the hospital for weeks because of abnormal bleeding. My menstrual cycle doesnt occur for almost 4 months and when it occured , the bleeding doesnt stop for a month. I thought it was just normal, but when i noticed extensive pain around my back and to the other part of my body i got worried and decided to seek help from a OB gyn. The doctor has diagnosed that ive been suffering from hormonal imbalance and UTI so she have to give me medications for a couple of weeks. For now, my menstrual cycle isnt normal still. sometimes it occur sometimes it doesnt. Do I have any possibility of being infertile or shall i say do i have lesser possibilities to get easily pregnant?Anyone could help me or give me some advice about this?I doesnt to see a doctor again.Fertile or infertile?
My menses occurs only 3 times a year. Every 4 months. I do have 2 children, but they are 10 years apart. "not for lack of trying" I have been tring to get pregnant for almost a year now without success. My doctor suggests Taking Clomid. the down fall there is a stong possibilities of multiples. But you should see your doctor.
So your not sure if you can get pregnant?
There's only one way to find out...
the only way to know for sure is to see your doctor
your menstrual cycle must be regular to get pregnant so consult ur doctor to regulate ur hormonal imbalance then u will get pregnant easily when ur cycle become normal.good luck
The best way to have regular cycles is to take the pill. It will regulate you and after a few months you could stop taking it if you want to have a baby.

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