Saturday, October 23, 2010

Exactly, what should be used for FACIAL exema?

Exactly, what should be used for FACIAL exema?
There are a few things that can clear up facial eczema. I know this because I am a nurse and many time people go to the doctors office for a mysterious rash that is really just eczema
Avoidance of the cause, if known
use of appropriate sunscreens to minimise sun exposure.
Regular application of bland moisturisers (emollients).
Some peopleprefer using creams on the face during the day and ointments at night.
Avoidance of ordinary soap and use of soap substitutes such as emulsifying (aveeno works great!!)
?Use of the mildest topical steroid ointment or cream that is effective,
Medium strength topical steroids should probably only be used ? Potent topical steroids on the face are an important cause of permanent threadveins
and an acne-like condition called ‘rosacea’ or ‘peri-oral dermatitis’. Topical
? Anti-yeast ointments or creams
Finally, facial eczema is in unusual cases sufficiently severe and unresponsive totopical treatment to justify oral medication such as short courses of systemic
I would talk to your dermatologist to see what he/she thinks
my son has eczema and he uses Dermatop. You can get it from your doctor. It works real well. Also, Wal-mart has a lotion (lotion isle) that is called Moisturel. You can use this all day long. It helps also. Hope this helps. I know how irritating it can be.
Try using 'Black Seed Oil'. Its really good for almost everything. Even Olive Oil might help

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