Saturday, October 23, 2010

Females: Do you feel safe travelling alone at night in the city?

Do you feel uncomfortable riding the train in the early morning, walking on the streets or taking a cab? A city like New York City, London, Toronto, etc.Females: Do you feel safe travelling alone at night in the city?
I live in Perth, Australia, and I would necer catch the train alone after 5:00pm. I'm always on my guard when I ride it during the day as public transport has gone to crap! Riding it in the early morning isn't too bad as there are lots of other commuters but society has changed so much! Even if I was attacked, there would not be many, if any, people who would jump in and help me. People these days just turn their heads and ignore what's going on. In the reversed situation, I would jump in and help. I guess decent personal values are disappearing.
Yes its very dangerous.
Not particularly. But I live in downtown Toronto Canada, and its not nearly as dangerous as NY, LA, Detroit, etc.
I've lived in downtown Toronto for 20 years, I like it fine day or night.
Absolutely not!!
I live in a small city, and there is so much crime around here, there are times I don't feel safe walking from a building to my car even in the daytime. And even if there wasn't so much crime around here, you hear so many stories on the news I wouldn't trust anyone in a big city either.
The world is a very unsafe place anymore.

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